Seminarians On Mission

By Martony
13th May, 2023

             EPISODE SIX (6)

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

VITALISE: Brother, what steps do you think we should take next since we have already convinced them into welcoming us?

ANDREW: Big Man, what do you mean by what I think? Are you not hungry? Just calm down and eat your food and sleep. We just finished praying. Allow the Lord of the mission to do the thinking, and tell us what to do next.

The widow that accommodates them came in.

WIDOW: Young men, I don't really understand your mission here. The priests that came here by this time were already preaching the gospel but you have not mentioned the name of Jesus since you came here.

ANDREW: Why worry ma, we are not here to call the name of Jesus, we are here to live Jesus out to these people, and for your information, our mission started immediately we stepped our feet in this land. Go in, eat, pray, and sleep, and allow the master of the vineyard to do his work.

WIDOW: I just pray you know what you are doing.


They bid each other good night as they went to bed. The following morning Andrew narrated a dream to Vitalise, they prayed about it and got the revelation.

ANDREW: Dear brother, the next step is now clear and the Lord has spoken in the language we will understand.

VITALISE: which is?

ANDREW: The Lord said we should feed his people, we should love his people, and we should enlighten his people.


ANDREW: Let's find out. 
They called the widow and verified the economic background of the people of Terswen. From the dialogue, they discovered that the people lack good food and water.

ANDREW: Senior, that is where you come in, at this point, we need money to import good foods for these people including clothes, slippers, and good wells for water too. You need to convince your rich parents to help us.

VITALISE: But why my family? We are here in the name of the Church and the Church shall gladly take responsibility for that.

ANDREW: Yes, I know. The Church teaches that some go for missions by supporting the missionaries, we are the Church on mission and would seriously love your parents to participate in the blessings of the mission.

VITALISE: Okay, fine.

Vitalise sent words to his parents back home and they were happy to send trucks of foodstuffs and money to them. They presented the foodstuffs to the King and also helped them share the food with his people.

The people of Tarswen were completely short of words. The single mothers, the orphans, and the widows had enough, the food was shared equally among the people.

The King and the people bowed down to worship the young missionaries but they stopped them saying.

ANDREW: People of Tarswen, why do you look so surprised about these little gifts? Have we not told you that God the Son, the second person of the Blessed Trinity whose name is JESUS shall provide all your needs according to his riches in glory? This is just the beginning.

The people chorus the name of Jesus with a lot of noise within them.

KING: Jesus!! Which Jesus are you talking about? Is it the same Jesus that the preachers preached in his name and condemned our gods?

ANDREW: We are talking about Jesus the Christ, yes, the Jesus the priests preached to you.

KING: No! My children, it can not be the same, Jesus. How can your second God give us this kind of food and gifts when we kill his priests for insulting our tradition? It cannot be the same Jesus that was telling us we will perish if we don't believe in him. How can he still be generous to us after all we did to him? Doesn't he get angry?


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