Seminarians On Mission

By Martony
13th May, 2023

             EPISODE SEVEN (7)

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

ANDREW: So many times the Lord has wanted to gather you all around him just like the hen would gather her chicks but you did not allow him. God is merciful, loving, and forgiving, our sins no longer count immediately we say no to sin. Sins like... (Vitalise interrupted him)

VITALISE: Sins of stealing and fornication. My King, these are just gifts the Lord can provide more for his people.

KING:  Interesting, even our gods too don't like fornication and stealing, it seems your god and ours have similarities.

The discussion went further and then ended. The king was so pleased with them that he wished to have them around always for discussions about matters of metaphysics. Andrew questioned Vitalise on their way back why he interrupted him.

VITALISE: Brother, you were going deep and I know you were about to tell them idol worship was wrong and that they should give their lives to Christ, so I had to stop you before you cross your boundaries.

ANDREW: But why? That is the main reason we are here and that was a perfect time to tell them the truth.

VITALISE: I know but these people are deeply rooted in their gods, to take them out you will have to give them time to decide by themselves. Usually, when a man sees food he most likely speaks off point. At least you can relate to that, the king was happy because of the gifts but in his eyes, I saw that he was not yet ready with his people. 

ANDREW: You will not understand, senior, how it hurts me every day when I see them bow to those false gods.

VITALISE: Yes, it hurts but also remember it is not our people, it is the Lord's people and he wants their salvation more than you do. Therefore I suggest we follow His lead in order not to lose our steps, while we preach the gospel we must remember that we have to be alive too.

ANDREW: Okay, fine. May the Lord's will be done.


The young missionaries continued providing for the people of Tarsewn not just foodstuffs but other basic needs too. The people trusted them and worshiped their steps. On one occasion a little boy who Andrew was trying to convince asked whether Jesus will give him more food and he replied, more than food my dear he will give you life.

The people of Tarsewn were so delighted and in appreciation, the king called the young men to his Palace.

KING: Seminarians, your presence in our land has transformed our lives, this is not just evident in our lives but our crops produce a rich harvest this year, furthermore, we have experienced peace among ourselves and with neighboring communities, this has never happened before.

After reflecting and consulting my people we have come to agree on one voice. We know we can not appreciate you and your God but as a token of my appreciation: Ask the people of Tarsewn for anything and have it granted unto you.

ANDREW: My king, are you sure of your offer?

KING: My word is my bond, by the power rested upon me as the king of this land, ask me of anything, is it part of my kingdom or our daughters for marriage or status in your name? Ask anything.

Andrew wanted to continue but Vitalise stopped and called him out for discussion. After a few minutes of thoughts, they returned with their answer.


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