Seminarians On Mission

By Martony
13th May, 2023

             EPISODE THIRTEEN (13)

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM


In the company of the Bishop, the Superior, the mentor, and his mother they all returned to Tarswen as promised. Vitalise was so emotional when he beheld his companion, he hugged him tightly and whispered to his ears "You can still say no to this process brother, but if you are ready then go for it", and he replied, " It was for this very reason that I came to this world".

Andrew was not bothered about his predicament, this made everyone surprised at his willingness.

Andrew was handed over to the king at his palace in the presence of the King's cabinet and the crowd that came out to witness the tragedy of the day. Andrew was taken to the burnt shrine of Anyamazage, according to the messenger of the god of beauty, Andrew was to be given the same fate he had given to the shrine. The King, however, after seeing the courage of the young man asked him to say his last words.

ANDREW: My dear people of Tarswen, I greet you all. I once again wish to say this, I, Andrew did not set the shrine of your god on fire but at the same time, I am grateful to God Almighty that he has chosen me though unworthy to offer my life in atonement for my sins and that of the entire people of Tarswen. I hold nothing against any of you, and I pray that one day all of you will come to the knowledge of truth and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. You are not taking this life away from me because you do not have the powers but I am offering my life for the love of God and your repentance.

(Staring at his mother) My mother, my sweet mother, I love you, and I will miss you, be strong for me, I am not leaving you alone, I will always be with you, and in the next world, I will still choose you to be my mother. Don't cry mom, (tears started coming out from his eyes) pray for me so that I will join my Savior even before the accuser knows I am dead. Don't cry Mom, for you already did when I was with you, be strong for me Mom.

(The mother could not bear the pain of seeing her beloved son dying, so she exclaimed)

MOM: (Crying) My Son, Let me die with you. I can no longer take this pain, I can not watch you die, my son, let me journey with you. (Crying)

ANDREW: My Lord Bishop, please console my mother. Mom, you are not alone, Vitalise your son is still with you. I love you Mom, goodbye brother Vitalise and please do not allow her to miss me.

The crowd could not bear it anymore, mothers started crying, while the men started their protests but were threatened by the Chief priest. The majority of the women who could not watch the scene sorrowfully walked away.

Andrew was bound on hands and feet and was placed at the altar of sacrifice. The chief priest after a few minutes of incantations set Andrew ablaze. 

Andrew who was supposed to be lamenting in anguish was on the contrary, Worshiping the Lord with the benediction hymn titled "HOLY GOD WE BLESS YOUR NAME". The happiness he expressed at his moment of death kept the witnesses surprised. Andrew's mother could not see her son burn to ashes, so she hugged Vitalise while backing the flames but she joined him in worshiping the Lord.

A few moments later, Andrew became ashes. The Bishop asked the king for his ashes so that he could bury him, the chief priest refused to approve the request but for the sake of the Mother the king gave his Approval. His ashes were taken back to his community for proper burial.

Two weeks later, the king became seriously sick and was at the point of death. When the Royal family consulted the chief priest he said:

C. PRIEST: The gods are angry with the king for giving out the ashes of that stranger and his sickness is a punishment from the gods.

QUEEN: What then should we do to appease the gods?

C. PRIEST: Go Home woman, and prepare for the death of your husband. For he shall surely join his ancestors in three days.

               TO BE CONTINUED

All Rights are reserved to the author: Rec Godwinmario 

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