By Martony
13th May, 2023

By: Rec Godwinmario last born of the BVM

Women are one of the strongest, most powerful, emotional, and loving creatures on Earth. Yes, I am proud to compliment them because it is not man-made but God-made.

A few years ago, I was privileged to be in the theater (labor room) with Fr Paul Tim at St John's Hospital Gboko. We were praying for her while she was proving her strength on the bed.

That day, my heart goes out to all mothers, especially my mother who had five children already, and I began to ask myself; was this how my mother shouts and cried while giving birth to me? Is this how she cried for the five of us? After that encounter the way I look at mothers or pregnant women has never remained the same. But why do I have to write this article today?

I called my friend who just put to bed last night and I was apologizing for waking her up and she told me she wasn't sleeping soon. I heard the sound of the newborn baby from the background. Immediately after the call, I made the sign of the cross and said may God bless all women.

I imagined her staring at her child and saying; my son, after nine months of challenges and fears you are finally out, my Baby welcome to the world of sorrows but don't worry mommy will be by your side.

If your mother is still alive, please appreciate her, it was not easy with her in the labor room, the tears, the fears, and the battle were just for you and all a mother will always want from their children is their happiness. Women are the strongest because of that particular moment, they are the most powerful because of the roles they play in families, they are emotional beings because if they want to love, they love with their whole hearts, and if they want to hate they hate with all their soul.

A man who treats his wife with love and respect is ready to live long and live in peace. The Loving nature of a mother is the stronghold of the family, any family without a strong, powerful, loving, emotional, and prayerful mother can not succeed.

In this month of May, the Divine motherhood of Mary is appreciated. The only woman that God could not but toast her, the only woman who was blessed to carry her creator in her womb for nine months and discipline him for 30 years, the only woman who has incarnated to my earthly mother to give birth to me. Indeed Mother Mary is blessed among all women.

Men love and appreciate your wives, do not hit your wife for she was not made to be your punching bag, encourage your babe and she will make you a happy man, don't try to play smart with her because she will frustrate you, don't make her cry because she is too precious. Once in a while surprise her with gifts for it is not easy to be a mother. Don't shout at her In public, some family demons are cast out by 12: am on the bed or 4: am, when the ministry becomes tough.

May the Lord bless all mothers, may he answer their prayers for us, may they live long to see our glory shine forth, and May the Lord establish us so that we will be a blessing to them. May all mothers eat the fruits of their labors and above all May no Mother bury her own Child through Christ our Lord. Amen.

May the souls of all the departed mothers and all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in Peace. Amen.

I am the pen in the hand of the writing God.


Note: All Rights Are Reserved To The Author REC Godwinmario 

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