By Martony
6th May, 2023

           EPISODE TWO (2)

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

Days passed into months and the perplexity of Andrew was accompanied by a series of dreams. Soon, it was time for Apostolic work. Messages were sent to all the Seminarians from their dioceses and congregations respectively.

"Big Parish indeed, but I don't think I am sent to the right place. Yes, I am not sent to the right place, something in me is not at home with the assignment. I should have been sent to Tarswen that is where I wish to work for Christ this time but what can I say? Poor Seminarian." Andrew wondered.

After some series of prayers, Andrew resolved he was going to give it a try even if he falls. He disclosed his intentions first to Vitalise who also confirmed that he was going to do the same thing anyways. Andrew tries to convince his superior.

SUPERIOR: No Andrew, you are not going to that place and that's final, we cannot risk you at this stage.

ANDREW: But Fada, that is part of our Apostolate: taking Christ to the poor. The poor people need Christ and we are the right people to take Jesus to them.

SUPERIOR: And who says we are not going to take Christ to them? So many Priests have died in Tarswen, the resident bishop said he was not going to send any Priests to them until the Holy Spirit directs him. Wait for the Holy Spirit.

ANDREW: But Fada, we have our Charisms and...

SUPERIOR: Enough, the Apostolic work is meant for the pastoral aspect of Seminarians, they are meant for them to meet the people of God and also learn from the priest. The place you seek has no Priest, no Church, and not even a single believer. It is not in your place to go on the mission there, the priest will continue to try.

ANDREW: I understand, Fada, I know I don't have the right to question my superior, but I feel something needs to be done about these people, they need our help, the diocesans have tried, let us as missionaries and servants too, try.

SUPERIOR: We are not going to talk about this again, you are not here for us to do what you want but you are here to receive formation, you are going to St Louis parish and that's final.

I am so heartbroken, anyways I was expecting it too, I guess I have to calm down and watch them play the game. 

(Andrew, in his room alone) Is it a call to the priesthood or it is a call to serve God? Should I wait till I become a priest before I will sacrifice for the love of Christ? What is that burning in my heart, the call to be just a priest or a call to serve as a priest? I chose the Servants of Charity then because they share the same mission as me. The fire burning in me cannot be quenched until it is been fed, I am sure this is what Christ wants of me. 

Let me call Senior Vitalise and hear from him.

VITALISE: Hello, the ancestor.

ANDREW: Good evening, Scholar. (They exchanged pleasantries and the main thing was discussed). Rev, I called to know how it goes from your side.

VITALISE: Well, nothing yet, the Bishop told me he was going to pray about it and that I should give him some time.

ANDREW: Wow! The Bishop understands you so early.

VITALISE: I don't think that's the case, He may pray about it forever.

ANDREW: For me that is hope, my superior didn't give me hope at all.

VITALISE: It is well let us continue praying about it. ( the call ended a few minutes later).

(ANDREW in the Chapel) Lord, I am certain you called me to be your Priest, I am convinced it was your call that I heard in my life. Forgive me Lord for not asking how you wanted me to serve you, be pleased Lord to direct me to the right path at this point. Is it the desire to be a priest or it is a desire to serve you as a priest? If the mission to Tarswen is part of my Call then perfect it Lord to the glory of your name. Amen.

                  TO BE CONTINUED

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