By Martony
6th May, 2023

             EPISODE FOUR (4)

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

Vitalise and Andrew landed safely in Tarswen, they were welcomed by a widow who accommodated the previously murdered priests. The widow was surprised why seminarians were sent instead of Priests, she could not hide her astonishment as she questioned.

WIDOW: My children, I have been wondering since your arrival, why did your people send you seminarians now rather than Priests?

ANDREW: Mama, these are the people Christ chose to send on mission this time around.

WIDOW: You guys are young and full of life, I am just worried about your lives. Why do you accept to come and die? I mean, my people are not ready for conversion and they are discovering more and more gods for themselves, and their inhumanity to one another increases day by day. It is very risky for you seminarians to put your lives on the line.

VITALISE: Mama, don't worry we are not forced to be here, we came at will and we are glad you are here to welcome us.

WIDOW: Okay, my children. Please you have to rest because I am sure you both had a hectic journey.

She prepared their room as they rested for the night. Rumors of their arrival spread throughout the land and the people were already preparing to grant them the same fate as the other priests. However, both seminarians did not start their mission immediately, they waited until the people became skeptical about their presence.

The elders of Tarswen sent delegates to visit them and ask them the purpose of their visit to the land.

ELDERS: Strangers, we have noticed your presence in our land for three days now and your presence is becoming worrying to our people. So can you identify yourselves?

VITALISE: Greetings Elders of Tarswen, we were anticipating you actually. My name is Seminarian Vitalise and my brother here is Seminarian Andrew, he is my brother and Junior in school. So we are indeed strangers.

ELDERS: Who is a Semilaian or Selilian or what is it called self?

VITALISE: Okay, it's called "seminarian", we are students studying in the seminary.

ELDERS: Hmmmm, these strangers with grammar, so are you one among those who come here on mission to preach their Jesus and condemn our gods?

ANDREW: Yes, we are part of those who came to you on the mission but we are not here to condemn your gods.

ELDERS: So why are you here?

ANDREW: We heard that you people are  hospitable and very generous, so we are here to learn from your culture and tradition and see how we can balance it with our faith. So we come in peace.

ELDERS: So are you people telling us that you have not come here to bring something new to us or to tell us about your Jesus?

VITALISE: Yes, we have been told already by the widow that accommodates us that you people are open to welcoming new gods especially those that come with benefits and we too are open to receiving new gods provided they are beneficial to us.

ELDERS: So how many gods have you already.?

VITALISE: We have three Gods, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit but to us, we refer them to one God. It's not enough we know and that is why we are here to see whether we can adopt some of your gods and whether you can adopt ours too.

ELDERS: Wow! It seems you are good strangers but we won't be quick in trusting you. However, we are delegates and will have to report to the council.

VITALISE: Thank you, Elders, we will love to hear from you again.

The Elders left and reported their encounter to the council and they were happy that the young men were interested in learning their culture.

They organize the community to make a proper introduction to the young men and also hear what their God has to offer.

              TO BE CONTINUED

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