By Martony
6th May, 2023

             EPISODE FIVE (5)

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

The people of Tarswen gathered at the village square the following morning due to the instruction given by the King.

The villagers turn up in anticipation of what will be the outcome of the two young missionaries. The King addressed the people.

KING: Tarswen my people, the pride of our ancestors, I greet you all.

PEOPLE: (chorus) We greet you our king.

KING: It's been seven days already since we all have noticed the presence of two strangers in our midst, I know you might by now be asking why they are among us. Yesterday I sent my elders to them and they returned me words. However, I am not a king to rule myself but you the people of Tarswen, I have called you out here to hear what these young men have to say and your decision about them.

So, therefore, I call upon the young men to come out and tell the people of Tarsewn why they are here.

Having said that, he went back to his throne while the young missionaries came out with the widow who was their interpreter.

VITALISE: Greetings of peace to the Nobel people of Tarswen. (There was noise among the people) Peace be with you, please be calmed for we come in peace. My name is Seminarian Vitalise and I am here with my colleague Seminarian Andrew.

As we said yesterday during the dialogue with the elders. We have heard so much about the hospitality of the people of Tarswen and their devotion to their gods. We admire you from a distance and we decided to come closer to get to know you better. Affirmatively, we are missionaries but we have not come to condemn your culture and tradition, we have not come to preach against your gods but we have come in peace.

In the same way, you adopt new gods, we want to see whether we can adapt your gods too, and who knows whether you may as well fall in love with our gods. My King, great people of Tarswen that is why we are here. Thank you. 

The whole assembly was silent as they went back to their seats. The King broke the silence.

KING: My people, you all have heard and seen them so what do you have to say about their mission to us?

ELDER 1: Thank you, my king, what are the names of your gods and what can they offer us?

VITALISE: We have three Gods, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit but without stress, we call them the Blessed Trinity. Just like Takuruku here is known as the Supreme above other gods, in our place The Blessed Trinity is the Supreme and maker of all things visible and invisible. We also believe that he knows all our needs and provides us according to the riches of his great glory.

ELDER 2: Young Men, you are welcome to the people of Tarswen, are you going to adopt our gods if we accommodate you and your gods?

ANDREW: If we find them worthy we will but if we don't we will quietly leave.

1st Man: (among the crowds) My King, these young men are no different from the other priests. My King, they are hiding under the umbrella of learning from us in order to preach their one, God. We should not allow them in our land my King.

(The people chorus). Yes, yes, yes.

1st Woman: No, my King, they are like our children with the zeal to learn our culture and tradition, known of their priests who welcomed our gods but the young men have already welcomed our gods by speaking nice about them. They were here for about a week and we never heard them talk about their Jesus, so I suggest we give them a chance.

After some arguments, the king welcomed them and granted them the opportunity to participate in their festivals but with a serious warning not to cross their boundaries.

The meeting was closed and everyone returned home talking about the meeting.


God our Father, stage one has been successfully concluded, Grant us more wisdom on what steps to take next through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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