Child Of God

By Martony
6th May, 2023


By Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

ADAM: Oh my God, Fr Mbaka is a great man, he is the Prophet of our time, and he inspires me so much, I would want to be like him when I become a priest, if you keep Fada Mbaka and the bishop, honestly, I will choose fada Mbaka. I want to be like him.

JOHN: Wow! Do you know Fada Kevin and Fada Oluma? They are great Christian writers, and their level of intelligence is unmatched. Once they drop a post on social media within some minutes you will see the whole world in their comment section. I really love them, especially Fada Kevin. Do you notice the way I write my articles these days? I want to be like him, I want my pen to provoke thoughts like him and I will stop at nothing to be the Fada Kevin of my time

GRACE: Well, I admire all of them and appreciate their tireless efforts for the salvation of souls, but I think they are being themselves and answering their calls differently. I don't want to be like them, I want to be myself.

Dear Friend, be proud of who you are and bless God for making you so special and unique, the battles you face and the way you handle them are just unique. Feel special and live your life every day discovering your true self. You will set the world ablaze if you discover your true potential.

"If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it." Frank Zappa. Admire the desire you wish to acquire but with the awareness that you can never be them.

God did not create you to be Fada Kelvin, Fada Mbaka, Pastor Suleman, or your mentor, God did not make you to be President Joe or Buhari or any other person. Trying to be like others is the punishment we give to ourselves. Why limit yourself to someone else?

Why not think you can outdo the person you are dreaming to be like? You can always be better if you believe you can. God called you "James" and not "John" so you cannot be John even if you kill yourself while trying.

Let the life of others be a source of motivation to you, thank God that they have discovered their purpose on earth, and pray earnestly to discover yours too. My name is Godwin, since I was born and even at this age I have never seen anyone like me, nobody with the same looks, same blood, same smiles, the same level of understanding, etc, nobody can understand my pains the way I understand it, that is because I am just one in the whole world.

Trying to be like others is the evil you are committing to the world which is so much anticipating your manifestation.

In the end, God will not ask you about the life of your mother, priests, mentor, or friends, he will simply ask you to give an account of your life and the way you manage his gifts. I hope you will not tell him you spent all your life trying to be another person.

I am the pen in the hand of the writing God.


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