Seminarians On Mission

By Martony
13th May, 2023

             EPISODE NINE (9)

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

The King became furious when he received different messages from the gods. "Didn't I warn these young men not to inconvenience my people?" he asked "They have dared the lion of Tarswen", he added. There was tension in the palace as the king was restless.

KING: Guards!!

GUARDS: Yes, our king.

KING: Go now, size those young strangers and bring them to the palace immediately.

GUARDS: Okay, our King.

The guards went to the mission house but could not find Vitalise, they asked Andrew about him and he confirmed to them that he had gone out. 

C GUARD: The King demands your presence at once.

ANDREW: Why the urgent call? Hope all is well.

C GUARD: When you get to the palace you will know better.

ANDREW: Okay, please go ahead, tell the king we will join him soon, as you can see my brother is not around.

C GUARD: I am sorry but you are going with us now, that is the king's order.

Andrew had no option but to follow them to the palace. On their arrival, the king, his cabinets, and the messengers of the gods were already assembled in anticipation of their presence. The King asked after Vitalise but was informed that he was not around so they proceeded.

KING: What are these rumors that I am hearing, how dare you defiled our land by saying blasphemous things against our gods? Have I not warned you not to cross your boundaries? Do you know the implications of what you are doing? Or don't you know that you can end up like the other priests for this?

ANDREW: My God, the Giver of life and creator of all things visible and invisible is a jealous God, he does not enjoy being shared with other inferior gods.

CHIEF PRIEST: How dare you? How dare you little rat call our gods inferior gods? Do you want to die?

ANDREW: Greater is he who is in me than the one who is in the world. You can not touch my hair if the Lord of host does not permit you, therefore, I shall only fear him who has the power to destroy both the body and soul in hell.

ELDER: My king, why are you silent, give orders and let his bones be crushed. He destroyed our protections (charms), challenged our gods even in your presence, and has forced our people to worship their god.

ELDER 2: I told you, my king, these people were no different, they were only buying their way into our hearts, they have started manifesting, my king please do something.

ANDREW: My king and the elders of Tarswen, why are you angry? Why do you have to defend your gods? Let your gods defend themselves, if they are not inferior gods let them arise and fight their battle. Why do you delight in worshiping false gods? They have eyes but can not see, norse but can not perceive, ears but can not hear, mouth but can not speak, hands but can not touch, legs but can not move and those who worship them are like them.

Your gods are weak, none of them could win me in a single context. What a shame. I beg of you my people to repent and embrace the salvation of the Lord. For as many who believe in the name of Jesus...

CHIEF PRIEST: (jerking ) Stop, don't mention that name here again. My King, enough of his words, you have heard and seen the insults. The gods are angry and demand his head, give orders, and let it be done.

ANDREW: Why not the gods strike me themselves if they have powers? There is no need to stress the guards when your gods can do it.

ELDER: Are you challenging the gods?

ANDREW: Yes, they should do the killing themselves.

The people became enraged after he admitted that he had challenged their gods and wanted to stone him to death but he said unto them.

ANDREW: He who has not benefited from my God should cast the first stone. You evil men who enjoy killing the innocent, if your children and women have not taken from our God then cast the first stone.

They all went back to their seats staring at him. The King who was mute all through broke his silence.

KING: Do not push me, stop dragging my legs. You must know that you are within my jurisdiction and you must accord my people with some respect. I have given you a place to worship your God, if anyone is interested in worshiping your god then they should meet you there. I don't want to ever see or hear that you are inconveniencing my people or going into a contest with any of our gods. Have I made myself clear?

ANDREW: Yes my king, but I prefer to listen to my God than to do your will. See you soon.

He left. The elders were not satisfied with the king's judgment but pretended as though all was okay.

Vitalise returned from his trip and Andrew explained everything to him, he was a bit disappointed with Andrew for going that far but later concluded it was the Lord's will that was why he had sent him away. I believe the Lord is in control and he will see us to the end of this mission.

They went inside and prayed to the Lord to show forth his powers and perfect their mission.

             TO BE CONTINUED

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