By Martony
6th May, 2023

             EPISODE EIGHT (8)

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

VITALISE: What a privilege to be among you and be part of your wonderful culture and tradition. Indeed we can now confirm that the people of Tarswen are hospitable and loving.

My King, we came here in the name of the Lord and all we have been doing revolves around him, therefore, we can not take a single glory for ourselves. We don't need your daughters because we will soon be his bride, we don't need status in our name for it will be blasphemy, we don't need part of your lands because our God is in charge of all the earth and its fullness.

KING: So what do you need?

VITALISE: Your gods have shrines and temples where you worship them on your holy days. If you accept us then it means you have accepted our God.

Therefore, humbly we beseech you oh king, to build our God a house where he can dwell and his people who believe in him will worship him on Sunday and other days, we also entreat you to allow us to preach about our God to the people of your land who are willing to know more about him. Oh king, remember your word, you said, is your bond.

(The King was caught in between, it was difficult for him to grant them such a request, however, after consulting his council and being bonded by his words he replied to them.)

KING: Alright, alright, I am a king and for my words to fail I should die.

By the authority bestowed upon me as the king of Tarswen, I, therefore, grant your request and also approve the preaching of your God but you must not inconvenience my people, preach only to those who show interest to your gods.

VITALISE: Thank you once again, my dear King, we shall surely not cross our boundaries.

Shortly, after the king's declaration was proclaimed throughout the land, there was a heavy downpour (rain) throughout the land.

They were given land close to Anyamaziga, the god of beauty, bounty harvest, and thunder. By the orders of the king, construction started immediately.

The Bishop and the superior of Servants of Charity were glad about the latest developments and requested that they come back for at least three days' holiday. They were celebrated back home and they were reunited with their proud parents once more.

After three days, they returned to Tarswen with 2x portions of gifts more than the former and as usual the community was happy.

Within a few weeks, the construction of the Church was completed. And evangelization started with full force and it was Andrew who was most committed to the task.

Andrew made sure everyone in Tarswen heard about the healing power of Jesus Christ and how his name was above all other gods.

He started intimidating the other gods by challenging them in a contest and in every contest they failed, the shrine lost more people to the Lord's side. The people started giving their lives to Christ denouncing their gods and acknowledging Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

The gods of the land became angry and started sending messages to the king through their messengers.



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