By Martony
20th May, 2023

If you say your mind everytime, you will end up apologizing every time. Don't give them a piece of your mind everytime you get emotional, else you end up with regrets. Don't say, " I want to tell them how I feel..;" who even cares how you feel? Have you forgotten that many will be happy that you are feeling broken and sad? It is not every time that you have to throw those stones back at them; sometimes gather those stones and build yourself a magnificent mansion. 

Many who said their mind everytime, looked back only to sigh because they learnt too late that it is wrong to always tell people your mind. That your boss that steps on your feet often shouldn't capitalise on your inability to control your mind to tarnish your image and name. Yes, you might be right, but don't forget that it is not everytime that you are right that you will win. Sometimes, even in the rightness if your actions, you will receive severe lashes and harsh punishment; swallow it. 

Don't hurriedly block that woman along the road and angrily tell her your mind; that is what she has being waiting for. She will nail you and your mind without minding whose ox is gored. If you always say your mind, you will always find yourself losing; know this and know peace.

Do you know that some have come to know you as someone who talks anyhow? Yes, you call it telling people your mind, but I call it reckless talking. Do you know why we say that silence is golden; because you can't be hurt by what you didn't say. In fact, people fear you more when you don't carelessly say your mind than when you say your mind. When they can't discern what's in your mind, they become mindful of you and your next line of action. 

Next time when they push you and expect you to give them a piece of your mind, disappoint them by giving them a piece of your smile with the words, "Shalom" as your only response. Don't let them determine how you will react; don't let them study you and predict you like the match between Liverpool and Manchester United; you are a human being not a football match. 

Don't lose your temper when they tempt you to lose it; if you lose your temper and with that temper you give them a piece of your mind, in the end, they will give you a piece of your words and you will taste them in regret. Walk away and make them wonder, instead of wandering into their trap because you wanted to give them a piece of your mind. Know this and know peace!

Your servant, 
@ Fr. Albert Nwosu (Nwachinemere)
(My early morning lesson)

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