By Martony
20th May, 2023

By: Rec Godwinmario the last born of the BVM

The royal family became apprehensive and perplexed. They went in search of solutions throughout the land including the neighboring communities but all the efforts of the native doctors and herbalists were fruitless as they also concluded that the king would die.

The entire family became in shambles because it wasn't easy for them knowing very well that the one they love was going to die soon. Someone suggested to the queen that she should invite Vitalise but she debunk the suggestion saying:

 "Vitalise has never performed a miracle in this land before, his brother was used to it but he is dead now." despite all the insistence she kept resisting until everyone gave up.

The Chief priest visited the Palace to check on the king.

C PRIEST: The king shall join his ancestors in three days. The gods are still angry with him and only his death can pay for his depravities....

While he was still speaking the Queen broke into tears, and while she was still crying Vitalise entered the palace gate. The Chief priest sighted him and said.

C. PRIEST: My queen sent this boy away before the anger of the gods will extend to the entire family.

QUEEN: Missionary boy, please leave.

However, Vitalise paid deaf ears as he kept approaching, immediately he was close to the king, and the king started coughing and sneezing.

C. PRIEST: Guards... take this stranger out of here before the king dies.

VITALISE: (Now acting under the auction of the holy spirit) You lie, he shall not die but live to proclaim the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living but as for you, woe unto you for even your bones shall know no peace. My queen, the spirit of the Lord is upon me and he has sent me to heal the king from all his sins.

C. PRIEST: Take a step further and I will turn you into a thing similar to an animal.

VITALISE: You lie again, for the one in me is greater than the one in you. Your cup is full and the time for your judgment is now.

C. PRIEST: Are you threatening me? Do you know who I am?

VITALISE: (Approaching the king) The bible says in Philippians 2:11; That at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Lord to the glory of the Father, therefore through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary I commend you, King Tor to raise for your sins has been forgiven. 

(Immediately, the king sneezed again and sat up).

VITALISE: Give him something to eat.

C.PRIEST: How dare you release the captive of the gods? (He was ignored as everyone was celebrating the healing of the king) We shall see. (He then left)

Now this happened in the early hours of the day. Everyone who heard about the healing power of God gathered around the palace to celebrate.

KING: My son, what can we do to be saved?

( Vitalise did not answer him and so the king continued)
I was sick and known of the gods I faithfully served saved me, I was dying and all they could do is remind me of the past but the strangers God who I never cared to know, who I killed seven of his servants have shown me what love and mercy is, therefore, No other gods should be worshiped in Tarswen except the God of Vitalise. I and my family shall henceforth serve the God of mercy and love.

Please my son, what should I do to be saved with my people?

VITALISE: Turn away from your sins and confess them, accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and never go back to your old lives again. The Lord is merciful and forgiven, he shall not remember your sins anymore. He shall be your God and you shall be his people 

The King and the people accepted the words of Vitalise and sought to do the Holy will of God. By evening the superior of Andrew arrived, he heard and forgave all their sins, and he baptized all of them including the king and his household.

While he was still preaching the gossip of repentance to them, Abokwagh entered the arena looking funny and dirty.

ABOKWAGH: ( now a madman displaying a funny attitude while he kept saying) We did it, we did it, yes we did it, my king, I say we did it.

KING: You did what?

ABOKWAGH: He was innocent, the stranger was innocent hahaha, he was ohooo, I and the other cabinets tried to stop him hahaha, eehhhhhn, we tried but we could not and so, and so (acts strange again) the Chief priest helped us to blind Anyamazaga and set his shrine on fire. We manipulated everything including the seer, the young man was innocent. We killed him ooo, we killed him, he was disturbing us, we thought we would rest after killing him. 

(The King and the people did not believe their ears, and they were wondering how it was possible to blind a god but Abokwagh explained how the chief priest traveled to another land to seek help from their gods).

KING: Guards... Seize him and make sure you feed his body to the birds.

SUPERIOR: No, your Highness, no more shedding of blood as you can see God is already fighting his battle.

            TO BE CONTINUED
The last Episode shall be in the next two hours.

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